Thursday, August 4, 2011

Painting Richard Goodwin

Richard Goodwin (Study #1), 2011.  Acrylic ink on unprimed canvas.

Richard Goodwin (Study #2), 2011.  Acrylic ink on unprimed canvas

Like the other drawings I always get the best likeness on the second attempt.  It's probably because I've already spend quite a bit of time looking at the face and I have a good understanding what drawing approach works better for that face.

Richard Goodwin is the man who sent the cogs spinning in my head to do the portrait of Arthur Wicks when he told me to "Find Arthur Wicks".  Ever since it has been a process of investigative artmaking, where not only have I found where Arthur is, I am also finding people who are giving me a far better insight into who Arthur Wicks is.

Richard has advised me to paint Arthur for the Archibald.

Image courtesy of The Daily Advertiser, Friday 29 July

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